Tell me about the cosmic crash

A journey of geological discovery in the town of Rochechouart and its surroundings (about 1h30), check out the "impactite" rock, born of the fall of an asteroid, through the built heritage and outcrops natural.

Tell me about the cosmic crash

16 Rue Jean Parvy

Maison De La Réserve Espace Paul Pellas
87600 Rochechouart
16 rue jean parvy

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The campsite



Camping Naturism Wildswim Calm Family Forest Countryside Fishing Tents Camping car Caravan

Pictures of the campsite

Our address

Camping Lous Suais
1 chemin des Suais
87460 Cheissoux
GPS : Lat. 45.81884
   Long. 1.653743
+33 (0) 555 695 694

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