Flea market - St Méard

A t this flea market you can find things that people from the neighborhood does not want any longer.

Approximatively 50 exhibitors.

The entrance is free for the visitors.

Flea market - St Méard

Centre Associatif Du Rouvereau

87130 St Méard
Centre associatif du Rouvereau

No es necesario registrarse

Actividad libre

Próximas fechas

El campamento



campamento Naturismo Baños Calma Familia Bosque Campo Pesca Tiendas de campaña Autocaravana Caravana

Fotos del camping

Nuestra dirección

Camping Lous Suais
1 chemin des Suais
87460 Cheissoux
GPS : Lat. 45.81884
   Long. 1.653743
+33 (0) 555 695 694

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